As many times as I have been to Goodwill, I had not made it to the "Everything in the Store is Half Price Saturday". They have this special the first Saturday of the month. Wow! What a crowd! You really have to have your eyes open for the thrifties. These were my August half price goodies.
I snagged a new Duckhead shirt and a new pair of Coldwater Creek pants. These bargains really make up for the times I have gone and come home empty handed. The store tag on the shirt was $32.00 (GW price $4.49), the pants store tag was $45.50 (GW price $7.49). The total for the two items was $12.08, but "Everything in the Store is Half Price Saturday" my cost was $6.04. Now where can you go to get two brand new items for $6.04.
I ask you, where will you be this coming Saturday, September 7th? I will be going again to look for thrifties. I may even try to check out more than one Goodwill. I hope this post encourages you to step out and check out your local store.
Good Thriftying to You!!
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