I'm so glad you stopped by today for this is a special post for all women. I'm not saying men couldn't use it but it's mostly for women. The reason I'm saying this is because women are so guilty of taking care of everyone under the sun but they seem to forget about themselves.
If you are one of the women who have already figured this out my hat is off to you. But it has taken me a long time to see the value of taking care of myself not only for me but for the other people in my life. One of the bad things that comes from not taking care of yourself is you can easily become bitter and resentful. Now understand you don't get up in the morning and decide you want to be this way but it happens over time. While you have done and done for everyone over and over, no one appears to do for you. So what's a girl to do? How do you take care of yourself without leaving pillar and post behind as you drive off into the sunset to a luxurious spa way out west with all your 401K in hand?
That being said let's just start small and work our way up to a luxurious spa. Here are a few questions you could ask yourself to get some ideas.
1. How old is your tube mascara? Is it all clumped and dry but you just keep on using it?
2. What about the rest of your makeup is it old? Or do you even use any because you think no one cares?
3. Now to one of the biggies. How many holes are in your underwear? How long has it been since you bought anything new in that department.
4. What is happening in the exercise and vitamin area? Anything at all?
5. Have you had your teeth whitened?
Well, I am sure you get the idea. Listen these things won't break the bank. A new tube of mascara is under $10.00 depending on the brand and there are always coupons in the newspaper and magazines. You don't have to go to a big fancy department store to get some new makeup and creams. There is unlimited information on the internet about how to pamper your beautiful face. Again we will get on the internet to check out something for someone else but we can't forget about ourself in the meantime.
Now no one really thinks they have any time to exercise or the money to get a gym membership but you have two feet and plenty of parks or your neighborhood you could walk around for even fifteen minutes a day. Cost .... zero.
Vitamins are another story. We know we are not getting all of the vitamins our body need to be in it's best shape but we forget to help it along. Oh, you think those puppies are too expensive. But did you know Kroger has them buy one get one free and there are coupons for them too.
White teeth. The dentist will charge $200.00-500.00 but did you know you can whiten them with a little baking soda, peroxide and a dab of toothpaste. If you brush them with this mixture for a few nights you will see those pearly whites appear. Cost .... probably zero because you've got this stuff in your cabinet.
Underwear can be very expensive but who says you have to get the Victoria Secret stuff. The main thing is you get new underwear without holes and that is a real boost to your attitude.
One of the thriftiest things you can do is to be kind, loving and forgiving to yourself. Just makeup your mind you will stop all the negative self talk and give yourself a break. Take a minute to look for something you do well. There is not one of us who would treat another person like we treat ourself sometimes. Decide you will be your own best friend.
Maybe this post has opened your eyes to some things you can do "on the thrifty side" to take care of yourself. One of the things we have to remember is to practice taking care of yourself. Change takes time but a little here and a little there can make a big difference.
Here's one of those parting cliques we tell people.... TAKE CARE.... Have a blessed week and stay thrifty.
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